YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS EXACTLY AT 4AM | Manifest Anything Super Fast! | Dr. Joe Dispenza

Imagine grabbing a handful of crayons And just going up and down the entire Brain scan you can’t see anything As a matter of fact you can’t even Measure that because it looks like a Snow storm they’re having a full-on Sensory experience without their senses When a brain circuitry fires a cluster Of networks of neurons fire 10 to 60 is Usually normal we are measuring 4 Million micro volts of energy that’s a Hundred thousand times normal and Whatever is going on between their ears Is where reality is they’re rewriting Their biology in one second That in order for you to begin to tap Into greater levels of consciousness It’d be a good idea to sit down and Close your eyes and disconnect from your External environment less sensory Information coming into your brain play Soft music in the background or put your Plugs in your ear that’s less Information coming from your environment So your attention moves from your outer World to your inner world Sit your body down and make it sit still And not let it get up and do things so It can experience things to feel Emotions to eat to smell to do whatever The taste And if there’s less even less sensory Information coming in because you’re not Moving your body around then you’re

Getting beyond your body and if you’re Not thinking about tomorrow or the next Day or your emails or your appointments Or what happened yesterday or the Emotions and you can work on the present Moment that’s the moment where you begin To fall into possibility because in the Quantum field All potentials exist in the present Moment so then teaching people how to Find the sweet spot of the generous Present moment and allowing them to Unfold into this realm this infinite Field of possibilities as a thought That’s when they begin to get beyond Their body their environment and time And that’s when they begin to connect With a greater level of awareness and Our students we’ve measured this now our Students can change their brain waves And slip into this state in Like two seconds four seconds five Seconds nine seconds 12 seconds 13 Seconds we’ve measured it and it’s not Like hey i’m getting to the quantum Field before you it’s just kind of like I know how to do this and they’ve done It enough times and we’ve been able to Reproduce it now and so a lot of people Have the skill to be able to do it and Then to be able to linger there without Thinking about your face or your Wardrobe or your name or your gender or What you’re going to eat or when how

Long it’s going to go Getting people past all of that stuff That is when the magic happens every Time so the matter doesn’t produce much Of an effect on matter it takes a long Time for matter to influence matter but When you become pure consciousness Consciousness is the epiphenomenon of Matter and that’s when you can begin to Exert greater changes on your body or on Your life when we run our advanced Workshops we start at six in the morning Some of our advanced training sometimes If we’re going to create the mystical Experience we have people up at four Because of brain chemistry and i always Say the same thing to the audience hey Look Those doors close at four o’clock i’m Starting the meditation if you don’t Make it in by four o’clock i’m not going To take it personally it just means you Want your sleep more than the mystical Means you want your comfort more than The unknown means you want your coffee Or your shower or your cell phone more Than you want to experience a new Experience So then People say yeah i have to wake up early Well we’ll go to bed early and well i Can’t i can’t make time for it well then That’s a good reason why nothing will Ever change in your life because you

Probably don’t have a lot of time for Anything so then make it a priority And then you know get out of bed don’t Meditate in bed get out and go sit Somewhere and do it properly And we’ve just replicated this model so Many times over and over again that when People actually finally start to do it They realize the hardest part of all of This the hardest part of all this is Making the time to do it Making time for your precious self to be A work in progress to really invest in Yourself is to invest in your future and I always say the same thing Either you’re going to be defined by a Vision of the future or you’re going to Be defined as a memory of the past and When you stop creating it just means you Love your past more than you love your Future that’s it so then people start to Realize that they have the power to Begin to produce changes in their life To think differently to act differently And to feel differently and to Understand that even when you start Slipping into these states you will Actually need less sleep because your Body’s in a restorative cycle Then you’re breaking out of those normal Conditioned beliefs that you know you Need certain things in order to live and And that’s because you’re studying Normal and what the hell is normal

Anyway you know i don’t even know what That is i never think about time i think About getting there as an example Certain days it takes me an hour to find The present moment and that’s a day Where i have to catch a flight and i Have 30 emails to answer and 25 texts And calls to make and meetings to have Before i leave town and kids to make Sure they’re doing okay and i got a Thousand things to do that day and it Takes a little bit of time to get Present but i i know the difference Between when i’m there and when i’m not If i get up and i don’t really connect i Just wasted an hour So Our students know the distinction Between those two so some days are Easier than others some days you slip in And you just lock into that field you Know you’re there and you’re up in 30 Minutes 45 minutes an hour or whatever You want other days i i don’t get up Until i’m there and it takes me longer But um I think if you spend 45 minutes a good Solid 45 minutes on the average to an Hour And you make that time and some people Can do it in 10 minutes or 20 minutes or 30 minutes uh i don’t care i just want People to really just start practicing Because it’ll begin they’ll start

Noticing effects in their life first Thing you have to do is you have to Surrender to that infinite field of Possibilities because that’s where Everything material comes from so Getting people sometimes to just to that Point When you hit that point a lot of times You feel so whole And you feel so complete it’s impossible To want i mean how do you want when You’re whole so there’s a little paradox But on another sense though that when You’re in that place of what where all Possibilities exist Then You know what thoughts do you want to Fire and wire in your brain What behaviors do you want to Demonstrate in your day the act of Rehearsing in your mind The demonstration of those behaviors Begins to install the neurological Hardware to make the brain look like the Experience has already occurred that’s What rehearsal does so now the brain’s No longer a record of the past now it’s A map to the future and now here’s the Key And then can you teach your body Emotionally what that future is going to Feel like now which means you don’t wait For your healing to feel wholeness you Don’t wait for your success to feel

Empowerment you don’t feel your weight For your wealth to feel abundance or the Mystical moment to feel awe or the new Relationship to feel loved that’s the Old model of reality of cause and effect That’s waiting for something outside of Us to change how we feel inside of us But the quantum model of reality is About causing an effect which means when You start feeling whole you begin to Heal when you start feeling empowered You’re going to become successful when You start feeling worthy and abundant You’re going to get wealthy when you Start falling in love with yourself in Life you’re going to meet an equal when You’re in awe of the moment hang on You’re going to have a mystical event so Then your body is the unconscious mind It doesn’t know the difference between An actual experience in your life that Produces an emotion and an emotion that You can create by thought alone so then As you begin to combine that clear Intention with an elevated emotion the Elevated emotion The body’s believing it’s in the future Reality in the present moment and you’re Signaling new genes and new ways to Change your body to look like the event Has already occurred and if you keep Doing that there will be physical Evidence Physical evidence neurologically

Biologically chemically hormonally and Genetically in your body That shows that the event has already Occurred when that happens you can relax Because the event is going to find you And it’s going to come in a way that you Least expect that’s the beauty of the Unknown if you can expect it it’s Nothing new it’s got to surprise you It’s got to rock your world it’s got to Catch you off guard and it has to leave No doubt that what you did inside of you Produce some effect outside of you That’s the magic an elevated emotion a Heart-centered emotion like gratitude or Thankfulness or appreciation or love or Joy or inspiration or empowerment And it’s that combination of a clear Intention was an act of a mind an Elevated emotion which is the language Or the vocabulary of the body that Begins to change a person’s state of Being because thoughts are the language Of the brain and feelings are the Language of the body and how you think And how you feel creates a state of Being so most people Their brain is organized to reflect Everything they know in their life their Brain is a record of the past it’s an Artifact So then most people think in the past And feelings and emotions are the end Product of past experiences so if you’re

Feeling the same way every single day it Means nothing new is happening in your Life and if those feelings are driving Your thoughts then you’re thinking in The past so most people’s biology Is for the most part living in the past So then When you begin to combine that clear Intention with an elevated emotion a Person can begin to move their biology From living in the past living in the Future here’s an example 81 percent of people that are in Depression study that are given a Placebo Eighty-one percent of those people Respond as well as the people that are Given the drug Which means they’re making their own Pharmacy of antidepressants their brain Is the greatest pharmacist there ever Was and their brain already knows how to Make those chemicals because there’s Receptor sites in the brain that receive Those chemicals the problem is is that Most people do it once or twice and they Give up but I mean even in the even the depression Studies those studies went on for six to Eight weeks and every day they were Reconditioning their body to a new mind And beginning to select a new potential And change their brain So then it may take six to eight weeks

For people to begin to change their own State of being and begin to make their Own balance in their body and and we’ve Seen it happen over and over again so You can only accept believe and Surrender to thoughts that are equal to Your emotional state and you’ll never Accept believe and surrender to any Thoughts that are not equal to your Emotional state so a person gets Diagnoses as cancer ms or lupus The immediate emotion they feel is fear Or sadness They are going to try to think Positively but their body’s feeling Negatively their body’s feeling fear They’re going to try to say i’m going to Beat this and i’m going to overcome it But they’re feeling sad and depressed And that’s mind and body and opposition Once a person begins to change their Emotional state And they start feeling empowered or Feeling gratitude or feeling joy they Will accept believe and surrender to the Thoughts equal to that emotional state That switch gets flipped and they begin To program their autonomic nervous System to make a different pharmacy of Chemicals that begins to change the body So getting the person beyond their Emotional body beyond their emotional State is really the work first step is Knowledge most people don’t even know

That they feel guilty they don’t even Know that they feel unworthy they don’t Even know they feel depressed or feel Victimized because 95 percent of who we Are By the time we’re 35 years old is a set Of memorized behaviors and emotional Reactions beliefs perceptions pretty Much on autopilot that’s 95 of most People so They’re five percent is working against 95 percent of what they’ve memorized Subconsciously so the first step then is Becoming conscious of your unconscious Thoughts becoming aware of your Automatic behaviors and then noticing And paying attention to the emotions That you feel every day and as you begin To observe those states of mind and body It means you’re no longer the program Now you’re the consciousness observing The program and you begin to objectify Your subjective self you begin to pull Out of your biology so awareness then is The first step most people once they Become conscious that they’re living by Certain emotions the next question are What are those emotions and those Emotions typically are connected to some Past experience like i’m this way Because i got fired from my job 10 years Ago i am this way because my husband Left me with three children i am this Way because i was in a serious accident

15 years ago i am this way because i had This event happen to me what that means From a biological standpoint is that That person has had a reaction to some Experience That once you feel a change in your Internal chemistry emotionally and you Feel altered you pay attention to what Caused it in your outer environment the Brain takes a picture and that’s called The memory so then we begin to remember The reasons why we are the way we are Because of the past but if you’re still Living by that emotion and it’s 15 years Later from a biological standpoint it Means you haven’t changed the next point Is the survival emotions the emotions That are derived from the hormones of Stress are very addictive Anger is addictive fear is addictive Sadness is addictive resentment is Addictive competition is addictive Frustration is addictive all of those Emotions that are derived from the Hormones of stress give the brain and Body a rush of energy so if an addiction Is something you can’t stop you can’t Stop that that on some level you’re Addicted because an addiction is Something you can’t stop so when people Start to understand oh my god i’m Addicted to my own frustration i’m Addicted to my own suffering i’m Addicted to my own guilt

All of a sudden they start becoming Conscious of what they’re doing to their Brain and body show them How those very chemicals down regulate Genes to create disease and then get Them beyond that by doing meditation That’s the moment then all of a sudden They begin to be greater than their Biology and we’ve measured this Thousands of times in people and it’s Without a doubt i can say this from Every single cell in my being that a Person is at their absolute best when They get beyond themselves that’s the Bottom line You

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