“It is The Key to Everything!”| THE GREATEST SECRET in Sacred Geometry – Dr. Robert J. Gilbert

This is going to be important for us because
when we pass through the gate of death, if We don't have
some understanding for how spirit operates, And we haven't developed any organs of spiritual
perception, we're as deaf, dumb and blind Spiritually as Helen Keller was in the physical
world. So this is
one of the great secrets of sacred geometry, And that is this idea about in modern physics,
they had a Complete revolution in physics based on a
concept of wave and particle. So before they thought, "Well,
everything's a particle. We just keep going deeper and deeper into
smaller and smaller matter, and There'll be a final indivisible little solid
thing." That's what they thought in the 1800s, a little
solid billiard Ball of matter, and that's everything else
forms from that. It's the materialistic dream. Well, that all got
blown out in 1900 with the discovery of black Body radiation and the quantum revolution
in physics. They said, oh, well actually we find out that
there's both a wave and a particle, and particles Physical
matter get formed by the collapse of the wave. That's literally what they call the collapse
of the wave Function in modern physics. This means that our energy body is the wave,
and it actually collapses or Crystallizes all the forms in the physical
body. Today we analyze that in terms of things like
stem cells And things like that, but the stem cells are
just another part of the particle system. What's really behind
it is the wave, the outline of the human body That gets filled up with matter. So the central axis in the
body exists as an energy circuit in the body Before the physical body ever reforms, and
the physical body Forms around that central axis of energy. So it's not a physical structure in the body,
it's an energetic Structure. Now what happened when we began to develop
modern metaphysics, again with the advent Of the
Theosophical Society, which became the template For the modern new age movement and modern
metaphysics, is that they began to get bits And pieces of knowledge from different traditions.

We have
to be aware that there's hidden secret knowledge In the Himalayas. There's hidden secret knowledge for
the Chinese Taoists. There's a lot of hidden secret knowledge for
the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians
say their mysteries were never betrayed. That means the real stuff that we knew and
taught never got Sent out to the public. Y'all never learned what we were really doing. So they get little pieces of knowledge. So one of those things was they found about
the Sushumna Channel in yoga, but Sushumna, writ large,
is really an interior channel along the spine That helps to
move the energy out. That's very similar to what's called the governing
vessel in Chinese medicine. It's
quite similar, but there are some slight different Structures because in reality, there is on
the inside of The spine toward the center of the body, but
not in the axial center. But along the interior of the spine,
there's a channel of energy. There's another channel of energy that runs
inside the spine. There's
another one that runs, although not as well Known, on the outside of the spine going up. Then there were the channels running up to
both sides of the spine, the Idhayangal channels Like we
were talking about. Those channels don't only run up straight,
they actually cross over, creating a Caduceus pattern going up like you see in
some of the Indian and Nepalese illustrations. All of this is
connected to the energetic structures of the Body that the physical matter forms around. So what
happened is that many traditions considered The absolute center channel of the body, which
refer to Today in Taoist yoga as the thrusting channel
or the Tai Chi Pol, and had some other names In ancient
Chinese. Then some of the knowledge coming from India,
and some of the Indian traditions. We have to
be aware the Indian tradition, just like the Taoist tradition was not one unified tradition
where Everybody did the same thing.

It's the whole concept of Hinduism is a name
for the conglomerate of a Whole bunch of different sex and groups that
teach things a different way, develop their Energy body in
different ways of a similar core concepts Of chakras and nadis, et cetera. Same thing for the Taoists. They have the same core concepts of the energy
body, but they develop the Energy body differently based on those concepts. So it's considered to be very secret that
there's an Energy channel running from the crown to the
perineum, and that's the core energy channel Of the bodythat interacts with, but is separate
from the energy channels running on the fore Side of the spine and
crisscrossing on it. These are all different energy channels. So one of our fascinating opportunities today
and challenges is to be able to properly put Together the pieces of information from different
traditions Into a unified hole of the understanding of
a subtle body and different practices. So if you go to any classical ancient spiritual
tradition, they understood there are different Levels of
structure, different levels of manifestation, From the high divine level where you're connected
with the One being of all things and all beings together
as a unity. Then you go down to these multiple levels,
you Have different names and different traditions,
all the way down to the physical plane. We need to
understand that the electromagnetic is actually Below the physical plane. It's not life energy, it's not
above the physical, it's actually below it. But the whole idea here is that there's a
pattern behind Everything. So one of the things I describe in the Gaia
series is that the ancient traditions are Almost all uniform in
saying where all physical structure comes From is a thought form in the mind of God
from that original Unity field. It starts as a type of a thought form of a
pure pattern. Then that pattern manifests at the
spiritual tradition as archetypal spiritual Beings, conscious spiritual beings as real
as you and, I more real In some ways, much more advanced that are
an actual crystallization into conscious beingness

Of certain
pattern, and certain powers and certain functions. Then they understood that from there, you
begin to form the patterns of karma, of actual Physical
incarnation of what in the west and the Theosophical Society, they call the causal plane. Then you come
down to the forming of the structures of how We understand things conceptually at the mental
plane. Then it comes down to how it forms the structures
of our emotional body, which is what really Drives
most of our behavior. Then it comes down to that way you've talked
about in physics of the etheric Body, the chi qi prana level of vital life
force, and that's a pure energy structure That then gives the
structure that the physical matter then condenses Or crystallizes around to create the physical
body. Then when those energy forces are used up
constructing the physical body, they decay Below the speed
of light and they become electromagnetic spectrum. So if we understand that as the basic
understanding in the ancient for how everything Works, then we can understand that it's the
patterns Behind everything that are absolutely key. So we have to understand as we grow up from
a child to an adult and start taking care Of ourselves
instead of somebody else taking care of us, That process of maturation in every lifetime
is a type of Microcosmic playing out in a single lifetime
of what happens to us as a spiritual being Across multiple
lifetimes. We start not knowing anything, being very
ignorant and higher spiritual beings have To guide
us and teach us. Then we incarnate into physical body, we go
through whole series of those things. So
our physical lifetime tends to be a microcosmic Representation of the same pattern of the
multiple Lifetime journey. This happens all over the place. Today we call it fractals, that this particular
pattern exists on all scales of Development. So for example, in the Gaia series, that something
like the Taurus pattern, if you get a Sphere, which is the primary form for holding
consciousness and energy together, if you Get a sphere
which is a holding form, and you open it up

At the top and bottom so energy can flow through
it like an Hourglass shape in the center, and then flow
around the outside and then back to the center And back
around the outside, that's a Taurus. An apple is based on a Taurus. You see how it's indented at the top and the
bottom, and then the core Of it with the seeds is right in the center
line, the same as arch central channel in The body. Once you
start to perceive these patterns, you see How everything is connected and it's the same
basic patterns That rule everything. So I show in the Gaia series that the Taurus
exists from the subatomic level. We
have photographs of Tauroidal structures, Subatomically up to galactic levels that have
Tauroidalstructures. So this is the idea of scale in variance that
regardless of how big or small the scale is, The
same pattern is the key pattern to create The energy flow. But the same thing is true for us emotionally
and mentally. All of us I think have had the experience
where we grow up and we have these tremendous Yearnings, emotional yearnings. Where's our missing
half? Where's the person we're going to unify with? Where's all of my romantic aspirations I was
taught To have as a young child, taking in media
about that perfect partner I would have that Would make my
life complete? We had that emotional yearning and then through
the school of hard knocks with some Relationships that maybe didn't work out well
and we were very naive in and we got knocked Around,
we began to say, "Oh, I better figure this Out." Then we begin to see patterns. I have certain patterns of behavior I didn't
know that screw up my Relationships. I see dysfunctional patterns in other people
and maybe I can handle that in this person, But I don't want to deal with it in this person
that says too dysfunctional. So we start seeing those
patterns at the emotional level.

Same thing at the mental level. How do I put my life together? How do I divide my time in the day? What's important and not important to me? Everything has a pattern on every level. And once you begin
to understand these patterns, the same thing Is true on the spiritual levels. There are patterns to how
spiritual beings work and operate. This is going to be important for us because
when we pass through The gate of death, if we don't have some understanding
for how spirit operates, and we haven't Developed any organs of spiritual perception,
we're as deaf, dumb and blind spiritually As Helen Keller
was in the physical world, where she had to Be guided around everywhere. That's why you see these
pictures in the old Egyptian tradition like From the Papyrus of Ani, which we know as
the Egyptian Book Of the Dead, and is better called the Book
of Coming Forth and Delight. In that you see An who's the initiate being
trained. He's like bent over, hunched over, and he
is got this Straighter being holding his hand and guiding
him through these worlds that he's not able To navigate
through or understand himself yet. That's what happens to every human being. Our goal is to develop to
where we understand the patterns. You have a healthy body once you understand
the patterns that Make a healthy body. Until then you're a victim of unhealthy patterns
and not knowing what the Patterns are. Same thing with your energy body. They have strong vital force. You have to understand what the principles
are for feeding that both through the food We take in,
through breathing practices, exercise, whole Variety of things, the emotional body being
healthy, and You actually have a life that's emotionally
full and fun and joyous rather than a constant Misery. Mental
life, knowing how to control your own mind

So your mind doesn't destroy your life, but
your mind Becomes a superpower. All these things are based on the knowledge
of pattern. The key of everything is
that, and all classical traditions agree on This, that everything came from a unity, the
one. Now in modern materialistic physics, they
describe that state of unity, the one, where There is no
polarity, there is no duality, everything Is unified. They refer to this as the singularity. That singularity
according to physics, that unified state which They don't understand anything about, they
admit is the Source of all creation because that unity,
the one, split into polarity, the two. Then our whole world is
based on polarity, positive and negative charges With the electron and the proton, positive
and negative Charges in electricity and magnetism, the
yin, yang and the male, female, the opposites Attract and the
same repel. That's a universal principle that you'll see
anytime you get a bar magnet, try to put the Two
similar poles together. They repel each other. You can feel something feels like a gelatinous
force field Pushing them apart, and you get the two opposite
poles, and you can't keep them apart. They want to
be together.So what polarity does is it allows Things to be separate, but energetically moving
with each other, Energetically affecting each other. That allows evolution. That allows dynamic development by being in
a polarized world. Evolution as a spiritual being is only possible
in a polarized world, in the school of Hard knocks here on the physical plane. That's why we're sent here into a polarized
world. Otherwise,
we often when we're suffering in the physical World say, "I just want to be back in that
blissful unity State that I came from" that we all subconsciously
know exists and we subconsciously yearn for And then
sometimes dysfunctionally try to attain through Things like opiates or things that put us
in that state but

Destroy our physical lives, but we have a
subconscious yearning for it. That yearning can sometimes be addictive. We have to understand the reason for being
here on the Physical plane, of actually having the internal
fortitude to grapple with the polarized world Where we
may suffer and we may not get what we want, But it's part of developing to a higher level
than we were Before. So everything is polarized, everything is
split here. The ancient knowledge of energy science
from the old traditions got lost. It was reclaimed to begin with by French researchers
in the early 1900s, and then Egyptian bio Geometry
with Dr. Kareem was built on top of that. When I first began to train with Dr. Kareem
in the early 2000s, He said, "What we're doing in bio geometry
energetically is built on the discovery of The French
researchers in the early 1900s that nobody Seems to know about anymore. Even at metaphysical circles,
almost nobody knows this even exists. But what actually happened was that, and this
is not a conspiracy Theory, this is based on books written by
the participants in the early 1900s in French. What actually happened was that the Jesuit
order within the Catholic church went around The world
collecting esoteric information and bringing It back to the Vatican Library. That's simply a historical fact. One thing they did with that knowledge is
they were very interested in Egypt, and they Really tried to
cultivate Egyptian knowledge. Somehow putting the stuff together, they were
able to develop in their Own circles an understanding of what we call
Radiesthesia. Radiesthesia is the ability to directly detect
subtle radiations that are too subtle to be Detected by electromagnetic equipment, but
that the human Body and energy field can be trained to detect. These are the real life energy forces. Little metal boxes don't pick it up, but they
can pick up electromagnetic waves because They're decayed
to a lower level, but the true life energy Forces Radiesthesia can detect. So they developed a system of
this that they then trained French speaking

Catholic priests in that science. The most famous of those
was Abbe Mermet, a Swiss Catholic priest who Wrote a book that was very, very famous. You can still get
copies of it today. That was called in French Jeau Pair, How I
Work. In English its called the Principles and
Practice of Radiesthesia. He revealed that he was trained by the Jesuits
and that Jesuits are doing things Like they were trained missionaries going
to a foreign country to use Radiesthesia to Detect the life
forces from things so that they could tell, Is this water drinkable or is it poisonous? If I have an illness, what plant in the natural
landscape is going to heal that illness? All these very
practical things. So Abbe Mermet let the cat out of the bag. He published a public book that became a
best seller about this and described these Pendulum techniques and rod techniques to
test this. So this
is based on what we think of today as dowsing. Most of what we have today in North America
and Europe that we call dowsing is mental dowsing. That's not the ancient form of it. That's a modern form. I
did mental dowsing for years before I learned The vibrational forms of dowsing from Dr.
Kareem who Taught me the beginnings of the French method
that we use today in bio geometry. I was so fascinated
by it that with Dr. Kareem's encouragement, I went and I collected a lot of the old French
texts, and I Had them translated into English. I began to learn more about what they had
done with this incredible Lost knowledge. It all got blown away by World War II. When the Nazis took over Germany, everybody
was just trying to Eat, and they forgot about this whole thing. So the French had discovered the keys to this
old energyscience. So with this, you're using like let's say
in Abbe Mermet's system using a pendulum. It's not
mental dowsing.

In mental dowsing, you would ask a question
and you would program the pendulum to Move a certain way to give you like a yes
or no answer. That's not at all what we're talking about
here. The ancient method is to use things like pendulums. So they found all kinds of specific pendulums
in Archeological digs in Egypt, thousands and
thousands of these things in the Valley of The Kings and
elsewhere that are now in museums all over The world that are actually energetic vibrational
pendulums Used for Radiesthesia 5,000 years ago. But Abbe Mermet did in giving out the knowledge
to the public is People who had nothing to do with the Catholic
church weren't that spiritually oriented to Begin with,
people who were scientists, people like Louis Torin, who was a radio wave engineer in France
in the Early 1900s who taught at Servant, he taught
the French Military radio wave technology. He was smart enough to understand that what
we have today with our radio wave and electromagnetic Technologies is scraping the surface of all
the natural waves that exist. He began to use that knowledge
to create radiesthesia tools that could detect All the different parts of the spectrum of
energy that Makes up life energy and the healing forces
that actually heal biological life, which We didn't have any
frame of reference for before. It's not the electromagnetic spectrum. It's not the spectrum of matter
that we call the periodic table. This is the spectrum of life energy itself.

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